Sunday 28 July 2013

Moth and Stag Beetle photography

After finishing the design for my leaflets and adding to my PowerPoint ready for my talk in a few weeks I headed out to the green house for some photography as I had found a moth in out bathroom earlier in the morning, I believe it is a Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura). Once I had all the flashes and the set put together I got the moth out of a containers I had been keeping it in and place it on some old wood.

Straw Underwing - Thalpophila matura

Straw Underwing - Thalpophila matura

I spent awhile photographing it before I was happy and placed him in the garage out of harms way but so it was still able to go free. While I was photographing to moth I looked outside the greenhouse door and saw a female stag beetle walking past, so I safely picked her up and put her into the containers the moth was in earlier, changed the set and flashguns and photographed her before setting her free safely under a log.

Female Stag Beetle - Lucanidae

Female Stag Beetle - Lucanidae

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